Saturday, July 27 2024


Lucrezia Scotellaro 0 0

A set of interconnected virtual worlds, work, games, and educational platforms; a heightened reality, populated by avatars and governed by […]

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Social awareness: 7 out of 10 teens fear misuse of their social media content

Familyandmedia 0 0

Teenagers are often thought to lack awareness of how digital technology works. We don’t consider them mature enough to understand […]

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How to protect our children from Jonathan Galindo and the like: an online survival kit

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

His appearance is like that of Goofy, a well-known Disney character, but distorted: Jonathan Galindo has a sly grin on […]

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Cell Phones in School: Yes or No? Coming up, 10 rules that will generate debate and discussion

Ilaria Di Paolo 0 0

Today’s kids, the so-called millenials, have less and less in common with previous generations. One thing in particular differentiates them: […]

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The 7 Super Errors of the web

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

How many selfies do we take each day? How many posts do we publish on Facebook and how many hours […]

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Education Project for the Digital World: Empantallados

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

How much time do our children spend online? An average of 136.5 days per year. How much time do our […]

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Social networks and depression: link shown with scientific research

Family And Media 0 0

Social networks and depression: an increase in unhappiness for young Americans Recent research by the University of Pittsburgh on the […]

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Mom, no photos of me on Facebook! Revealing research into the use of internet and social media in the family

pixelfabrica 0 0

“Please, Mom, don’t post vacation photos that include me” or “Dad, stop talking on the phone while driving, its dangerous.” […]

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Social network e depressione: una ricerca scientifica dimostra la loro correlazione

Family And Media 0 0

Social network e depressione: aumenta il malessere nei giovani americani Una recente ricerca dell’Università di Pittsburgh sull’uso dei social network […]

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Five Android Applications for Parental Control

Juan Camilo Díaz (*) 0 0

The internet is a whole new world to discover. In times such as these, when the overload of information to […]

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