Saturday, July 27 2024

Parents absorbed in screens in front of their children: beware, it limits their emotional development

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

What dad or mom never looks at their cell phone in front of their children? Which of us parents, when […]

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Social media pulverizes memories and destroys private life: what the experts say

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

Stories, posts and videos are part of our new way of communicating, sharing, connecting with others, whether with friends, acquaintances, […]

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Death challenges on social media: what they are, who creates them, and how to stop them

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

Have you ever heard of the “choking game“? It’s just one of the many dangerous challenges being thrown on social […]

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Digital Report 2024: digital habits and trends in the world

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

How much time do we spend online? Do we prefer TV or social media? Which countries have a population that […]

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Sweden, taking a step back from technology: no more digital gadgets used in school by children under the age of six

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

In countries marked by greater economic prosperity, technology continues to advance and enter, ever more rapidly, into all areas of […]

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Footprints: interest in spirituality is growing among young people

Familyandmedia 0 0

Interest in spirituality among young people is growing worldwide: this is one of the findings of a survey conducted by the Research Group Footprints Research […]

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Journalism and hope: can the two go together?

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

Journalism is, or should be, synonymous with information, and informing means offering people easy access to news that is useful […]

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Bob Dylan bans cell phones at his concerts: ‘you don’t live to take pictures’

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

Bob Dylan, an international music icon, has championed the fight against the excessive use of cell phones, especially during live […]

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The best life lesson for a boy or girl? Work

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

How to teach children responsibility and sacrifice? How to help them to be autonomous, to pursue a goal, to commit […]

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The Social Media Phenomenon

Annalisa Di Benedetto 0 0

What kind of relationship do we have with social media? How much of our day do we spend on these […]

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