Wednesday, September 18 2024

The year 2020 will be much talked about in the history books. And it will
stand out in the memory of all of those who lived through it. The year of
the worldwide health emergency – the year of the so-called Covid-19 or
Coronavirus – is the year that revolutionized the way the entire world
functions. It is the year we were forced to stay locked in our homes, to go
out only in case of necessity, that took some of our loved ones from us or
distanced us from them, and that pushed our healthcare systems, the
economy, our jobs and relationships to the limit.

In motivational speeches, it is usual to talk about the concept represented
by the Japanese ideogram, the Wēijī. Even some people considers it
a fallacy, the thought of Wēijī is perfectly suited to the
above-mentioned historical period that we could end up “in crisis” and from
which we could still take “opportunities”. Let’s see together if even in
the case of the Coronavirus it is possible to seize an opportunity, a
moment of growth and collective improvement.

Digital Solidarity: When Technology Helps Us Live Better in the Days of
the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus has brought back the potential of technological and digital
innovation. In these days of the pandemic, new technologies have been
providential in helping to deal with this difficult situation and in
cushioning the psychological impact of isolation that the Covid-19 would
have had on all those people who were used to living with a different
lifestyle and relationships before the lockdown. Here are some examples:

  • The importance of

    artificial intelligence

    : the improperly called Artificial Intelligence, i.e. the
    computerized handling of big data, has proved to be an additional
    weapon in the research and constant fight against the coronavirus.
    Every day research centres around the world use it to work toward a
    possible vaccine against the disease by making notable
    contributions, as was reported in an article by

    Toward Data Science.

  • The reduction of distances
    : Covid-19 has forced many families, loved ones, and people to
    remain physically distant in order to safeguard each other from
    this virus and, above all, to keep everyone safe from an at-times
    fatal contagion. The new media have helped to break down
    interpersonal space by bringing people together via video calls,
    helping many people feel less lonely during the lockdown period.

  • The revenge of smart working
    : as stated in a recent article in the Italian economic newspaper
    Il Sole 24 ore: “For the first time, with the Covid-19 emergency
    smart working has suddenly become a necessity and a priority to
    protect people’s health, work, and services. From today to
    tomorrow, companies and public administrations have been asked to
    make this transformation, when, just a few weeks earlier, agile
    work was part of a broader process of digitization of work that was
    proceeding at a slower pace.” The concept of telework has been part
    of the culture and vocabulary of international companies for more
    than four years now. Nevertheless, it has been little considered or
    applied by companies in recent years – up until today. In an
    interesting article, the Level OfficeLandscape analyzes the
    percentage numbers of companies in a country with a difficult
    working situation like Italy. It’s a bit disappointing if we take
    into account the statistics published in 2017 by Great Place To Work

    , which shows Italy among the slowest in Europe compared to other
    European cities or the U.S. with a trend of over 37% and growing in
    the last three years. What are the reasons against smart working?
    Ignorance? Poor organization? Control mania? Fear? Whatever the
    answer, at a certain point, with the advent of the Coronavirus, the
    institute of smart working – better defined as telework – has been
    the lifeline for many companies and many workers who have managed
    to stay afloat in an unstable economic market in crisis and at the
    same time not lose their jobs.

  • Ecommerce and e-banking
    : the ability to make purchases and perform all banking
    transactions from your laptop or smartphone has certainly helped
    people to not gather in larges masses in shops, at the post office,
    at the bank or businesses that sell essential and non-essential
    goods. A surprisingly important aspect of ecommerce during this
    time has been home deliveries – and online shopping – which has
    helped people to reduce the amount of times they have to leave
    their homes even for essential goods. They’re able to stay home,
    keep their fridges full, and have a good meal at the end of the day
    brought to them thanks to a store or restaurant that has continued
    to deliver at home.

    Towards Post-Covid

    “I wonder what the post-coronavirus world will be like” is one of
    the thoughts that plagues everyone these days. Among the many
    articles or multimedia materials that we can find online that
    discuss what may happen, there are particular analyses carried out
    by eMarketers, which hypothesize about a world that has become
    totally distorted from the world that we once knew. This is a
    crisis that we could describe as being dark with just a glimmer of
    light shining through, representing the breakthrough of technology.
    The post-covid world will be a completely digital world where
    initially we will keep our distance from the people who will be
    brought together by the digital world. According to eMarketer
    research, we can define two macro categories of those who will have
    to begin again that are called “Telehealth” and “Teleconferencing.”
    The first category refers to the healthcare world that sees the
    physical location of the hospital and the relationship between
    doctor and patient, where possible, digitalized and the nation’s
    hospitals interconnected. The second, instead, refers to the work
    setting, which will be quite changed. Agile work will be the first
    to take root in innovation, and an increase in digital
    transformation strategies is expected within the companies:
    telework projects and strategies will increase.

    “Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is
    transformed,” it is with this phrase that, in physics,
    Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier coined the so-called law of
    conservation of matter in chemical reactions, and that of the
    philosophical precedents in Aristotle and Democritus, and this is
    the phrase that, surely, synthesizes the year 2020. The coronavirus
    has certainly opened a global wound and, like with any wound, it
    will take time for it to heal. The world will change, we will
    change, and we will have to make changes and transform ourselves in
    order to prepare and create, together, what will be the present and
    the future of our society.


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