Wednesday, September 18 2024

On February 26, 2011, 45 managers of Italian family associations that
belong to the Forum of Family Associations gathered in an intensive seminar
to discuss how to improve their internal communication and their
relationship with mass media. In addition, they prepared the topics for the
upcoming World Day of Families that will be held in Italy on May 15 th.

The professors La Porte (Holy Cross University, Rome) and Ascaniis (Swiss
Italian University of Lugano) presented the results of a qualitative
research on the communication of associations in the Forum, which form part
of the project “FUOCO” (Transforming the Family from Occasional User to
Organized Communicator) funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The
seminar initiative sprung as a fruit of the collaboration between the
research group FamilyandMedia and the Forum of Family
Associations, which is heavily investing in communication as a means to
enhance the effectiveness of its social action.


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