Saturday, July 27 2024

Avant-garde films searching for lost fatherhood

Norberto González Gaitano 0 0

The father figure in the two generational works of art: “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “The Tree of Life” There […]

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Film and Family: Recommended Films to Watch Together

Enrique Fuster 0 0

Film and Family: Recommended Films to Watch Together, edited by Sentieri del Cinema, Itaca 2011, € 10. (Original Title: Cinema […]

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Adolescents in series

Franco Olearo 0 0

Television series for adolescents: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. A long time ago, we had Happy Days: a series that began […]

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A Year of Zapping: a critical guide to Italian television programs

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

Coordinated by Elisabetta Scala, edited by Alessandra Caneva and Daniela Delfini A Year of Zapping: a critical guide to Italian […]

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Fiuggi Family Festival: a week full of great cinema for the family

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

Gustavo Ron’s Ways To Live Forever won best film in the fourth annual Fiuggi Family Festival, which took place July […]

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Films with Family Values Produced in Recent Years

Redazione 0 0

Reading a story can be an enriching personal experience in which one’s sense of wonder is sparked, the mind is […]

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Lost: A series that makes you think

Jorge Milán 0 0

In the midst of television today, saturated with inconsistent programs, it’s comforting to discover from time to time a series […]

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Disadvantaged children and families in front of the small screen.

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

According to the recently compiled data by Moige (Italian Parents Movement), concerning its November 2010 report, the Italian Television fails […]

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