Saturday, July 27 2024

The dark side of Instagram

Lucrezia Scotellaro 0 0

More and more people around the world are using social media. According to the 2023 official United Nations’ estimation, the […]

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Telling children about death: three cartoons that deal with the subject sensitively

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

Is it right to talk to children about death? And if so, how to do it? When a family member […]

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Apps for school. The 5 best apps for students

Familyandmedia 0 0

Una volta, ai tempi dei nostri nonni, c’era solo carta, penna e calamaio. Poi, a partire dagli anni Cinquanta, le […]

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What can you learn through video games? Here are the 5 benefits for all children

Familyandmedia 0 0

Video games have long since become a form of entertainment for millions of children. There are many, from parents to […]

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“The Art of Ruining Marriages”: A realistic fictional account of marital crises

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

How many temptations can there be throughout a marriage? What problems can a couple encounter over the years? What undermines […]

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Social media pulverizes memories and destroys private life: what the experts say

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

Stories, posts and videos are part of our new way of communicating, sharing, connecting with others, whether with friends, acquaintances, […]

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“Hardcore pornography”: what it is and why it promotes violence against women

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

Is there a connection between violence against women and pornography? Pornographic web pages are unfortunately among the most searched and […]

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Accompanying those who are suffering, because “hopeless” isn’t synonymous with “incurable”

Cristina Valea Sobrino 0 0

This Sunday I visited a Van Gogh exhibit. Of all the pieces on display, I was particularly struck by “The […]

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Digital detox: the 3 best apps to detox from technology… with the help of technology

Fabrizio Piciarelli 0 0

Between floods of emails, WhatsApp messages, frantic scrolling, and all sorts of notifications, our concentration is put to the test […]

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Three movies that will teach children about selflessness and teamwork

Cecilia Galatolo 0 0

If we believe that stories have the power to convey values and positive messages much better than theories, then it’s […]

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