Wednesday, September 18 2024

“The Fecundity of Familiaris Consortio: from John Paul II to
Benedict XVI” was the title of the conference held in honor of the 30 th Anniversary of the document Familiaris Consortio.
The conference was a joint effort of the Forum for Family Associations, the
Italian Bishops Conference’s Office of Pastoral Ministry for Families, and
the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.

The seminars took place from November 25- 27, 2011. They were three intense
days to reflect on the relevance of the anthropological and spiritual
message of John Paul II’s document, and on the favorable continuity with
the Magisterium of the current Pontiff. It is a fundamental text that
consecrated the value and central role that the family has in the real life
of people and modern society, and was the spring of inspiration and
orientation for the Forum of Family Associations.

As was desired, the families played the leading role in the conference. Not
only because of their massive presence at the Domus Pacis (Rome) with
children of all ages, able to participate in the games and parallel youth
conference organized for them. But in addition to the striking intellectual
depth of the conference, families told stories of the fruitfulness of their
service for life. Some of the most touching testimonies were told by
couples dedicated to communities who take in minors and people in difficult


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