Sunday, October 27 2024

“Today’s youth no longer have ideals: they do not believe in anything. They
no longer have the strength, the enthusiasm, the desire to change the
world.” I often hear this complaint.

I don’t even know if among you readers there are those who also think this
way. In such case, today I will try to make you change your mind.

It is true that many kids are disheartened and aren’t able to fight or are
left to go numb by frivolous fun and empty plans.

And yet, there are still some youth who loves, fights, and hopes. I had the
honor of meeting some. In fact, I had the honor of meeting an entire slew
of youth who, united, defend what they believe in for free.

I’m talking about the University students for life, a
group of students who, each according to their field of study, tries to
promote respect for life, beginning in the womb.

We at Family and Media met them to talk about what they do.
Responding to us, we have Chiara, the president, and Fabio, a collaborator.

“University students for life,” one name, one mission. Who are you
and what do you do?

We define ourselves as a group of friends who share the
same ideal: to defend life from conception to natural
death. We think it is necessary to make culture and
promote information in universities. We write articles to defend life from
all points of view (scientific, philosophical, legal…), depending on the
scope of each of our own expertise. We organize training courses with
experts, and we set up events and cultural initiatives (concerts,
conferences). We provide informational brochures for the students we meet
and show them the characteristics of a fetus at 12 weeks. We are working on
the preparation of detailed brochures on abortion and euthanasia, and we
would like to take action in the faculty councils to ensure that pregnant
students have more amenities, so that maternity is protected in the

When and why was your movement started?

The University Students for Life was born two years ago, quite
spontaneously. “After having participated in the March for Life in Rome,”
says the founder of the movement, Chiara, “I was amazed by the number of
associations present. However, there was not a group of pro-life students.
Hence the idea of ​​the University Students for Life,

the first group of young people in Italy who spread the culture for
life in the places of study and education: school and university

. The first initiative was a handing out leaflets to the Faculty of Law at Roma Tre University. I still remember that day well: a friend of
mine was supposed to support me in the activity, but because of an
unexpected event, at the last moment, he couldn’t come. I decided to start anyway, alone, even though I was a bit
in difficulty, of course. Not even ten minutes later a friend of mine
approached me, whom I had not seen for quite some time and began to give me
a hand. She called her other friends. In a few minutes we had grown. I took
it as a sign: the important thing is to begin. Then everything else comes
on its own. Today the movement has already reached many Italian cities.”

On what basis is your message founded?

As an association we are non-denominational: the “life issue” is not just
about faith, but about common sense and the reason that every human being
is endowed with. We believe that there is a natural law inscribed in the
heart of man: “do not kill the innocent,” and we think that the right to
life is justifiable rationally, without necessarily bringing religion into
the argument.

In our group you may find agnostic and atheistic people and they are
certainly not the only ones: some time ago we reported an


that talks about an atheist pro-life woman, an American lawyer, named
Kelsey Hazzard.

As for the formation, our book guide is the one written by Mario Palmaro
(teacher and bioethicist, who died a few years ago): Abortion & 194, phenomenology of an unjust law, (Editor:
SugarCo, 2008) characterized by its clarity and simplicity.

How many times have we heard from the supporters of the pro-life world the
phrase: “Personally, I am against abortion but in favor of the law 194
(which has legalized abortion in Italy).”

Logic would demand that, if you are against abortion, you cannot be in
favor of a law that allows it. In this book, this standpoint is promoted
quite well.

You also have your own

Facebook page

, where you usually publish concise, clear, and incisive phrases…

On our Facebook page we prefer celebrity quotes, memes, or photos because
they are very direct and make people reflect without the “effort” of having
to read heavy texts, which by their nature can be challenging. We live in a
time when it is crucial that synthesis and content are combined so that the
message reaches as many people as possible. On our web site, however, we
also report, naturally, on news articles (at national and international
levels) and present reflections on various issues.

Surely, you will be considered “extremists” by many, because abortion
is increasingly seen as a right…

Yes, many consider us extremists, because we question the validity of that
presumed right. In our opinion, before talking about “the right to choose”,
we must ask ourselves what this right derives from. We urge everyone to ask
himself or herself the question: What kind of nature lies in the womb after

Because if the child conceived is a mere object then anyone can
exercise all the powers that belong to the owner of an object. If it is
instead – as it is! – a human being, living, with his individuality,
his very personal DNA, completely different and distinct from the
maternal organism that hosts him, then it comes by itself that he has
an inalienable right to life that far exceeds a possible “right of

An on-going debate, and yet if we are pro-life we must be silent.
Recently, we at Family and Media published

an article in which we highlighted the difficulties in terms of
freedom of expression

that confronts those who defend life from conception. Do you also feel
the weight of censorship? Can you give some examples?

Unfortunately we know well what you are talking about. We too have had the
opportunity to come in contact with certain “tolerant,” “peaceful,” and
“democratic” feminist groups that fight against those who are pro-life.
There was no lack of heavy insults, death threats, and morbid jokes (as well as
jokes of poor taste), especially on social media. We do not report examples
of these rants only out of respect for our readers. However, the climax of
this violence was manifested, last October 9 at the Department of
Humanities and Philosophy of La Sapienza University in Rome, where
extremist groups

literally attacked us, ripping away all our leaflets and squandering
the food

we had brought to share with the students (the facts were reported by some
national newspapers). In the days previous, these same groups took to the
streets to fight violence against women. Yes, after having “raised their
hands” towards girls who had an idea different from theirs. Yes, it is like
saying “you are free to think as you want…as long as you think like me.

What to say to those who want to join you?

First of all, I would thank them because finding young people willing to
fight for these ideals is not easy. Then I would say to them the famous
phrase of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

“Our lives begin to end the day when we become silent about things that

I would invite them not to be discouraged if everything seems to go against
them and that if the truth is on their side, even though it is supported
only by a small group of people, they will eventually overcome.

A message you want to send to those who read about you…

We pray especially to you young people: do not let yourself be anesthetized
by this culture of death (disguised as alleged compassion and freedom),
which, however dominant, is inhumane, dehumanizing and unjust! Have the
courage to go against the tide, to think with your head. Find again within
yourself the desire to live and the passion that can make you excellent and
effective fighters in a society that needs it so much! Be the voice of the
voiceless and defend what good and beautiful is left in the world

, without ever compromising, which will do nothing but harm you.

For those who are already fighting for life: do not give up! You are not
alone! What you fight for is a noble cause, and you must be proud of it!
Wherever you are, join us because together we are stronger and we can get
to the heart of more people, although sometimes the good seems buried and
dormant by a dense blanket of ideology, comfort, or indifference.


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