What is happening to Facebook? A Spanish research had already sounded the alarm
Of late, a lot has been talked of the problems Facebook is
facing, after the scandal of Cambridge Analytica, a company that has sold personal data of the
profiles of 87 million users of the social network (87 million as of April
5) to third parties for commercial purposes and to political parties.
Zuckerberg, once the myth of the “web and the open society”, in these
months is grappling with the attempt to drain the erosion of the Internet
giant’s reputation, the huge hits his company has taken in the stock
market, the loss of users, the demands of legislative bodies in the United
States and Europe to respond questions about Facebook doings. In short, a
policy of restraining the damage of one of The Big Five of Silicon Valley,
which may turn out to be a giant of… paper, “virtual paper” in this case.
But the problem is not new. It’s just that public opinion or, better yet,
the mass media once looked elsewhere. Perhaps the “obsession” of certain
media on the Russian pressures in the US electoral campaigns, or on the
Brexit exit referendum, or of Italy’s has driven to wake up the
press-sleeping watchdog. This awakening is no doubt welcome. Other more
attentive observers had already denounced the problem, as revealed by the
“Facebook uses sensitive data for advertising in Europe”,
realized by three researchers of the University Carlos III of Madrid and
published in February this year. But what the discovery of this research
consists of? A figure will be more helpful than putting it into many words: Facebook has at hand personal and sensitive data
(political opinions, religion, union membership, health data, life and
sexual orientation) of about 40% of the total European citizens. This means that the
personal data of about 205 million Europeans are not anonymous and that
their identity could be identifiable based on their personal information stored on Facebook,
which puts the privacy of users in serious danger. But even more incredible
is that Facebook handles this data without the consent of the subscribers.
Let’s look at how.
“Facebook uses sensitive data for advertising in Europe”: the study
assigns to each user a set of “ad preferences”, that is a set of interests,
derived from data and user activity in social media and external websites,
on the apps and on online services where Facebook is present. These “ad
preferences” are in fact the interests offered to the advertisers in
Facebook Ads Manager to set up their own advertisements. Therefore, if a
user is assigned “Watches” within the ad preferences list, he will be a
potential target of any advertising campaign configured to reach users
interested in “watches”.
In most cases, “ad preferences” are derived from the activation of a
Facebook user profile. The incredible thing is that the user cannot retract
the explicit consent to Facebook to process personal data for advertising
purposes. Moreover, by emphasizing the “Terms of Service”, users grant
permission to process and store personal data, but there is no reference to
sensitive data, which are instead regularly handled by Facebook.
In conclusion, the researchers – José González Cabañas, Ángel Cuevas and
Rubén Cuevas – affirm that Facebook is “commercially exploiting sensitive
personal data for advertising purposes”, a practice prohibited by the new
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – coming soon next May 25 th and punishable with fines equal to four percent of the
company’s global annual turnover.
The new European data protection regulation is coming: does it you
close one eye to the Web giants?
What is really amazing is that the amount of data, stored and handled by
Facebook, was collected for years, without legislators taking action. Only
a year ago the
was approved and it will be enforced since next May 25, which will protect
all member countries of the European Union.
Thanks to this new regulation,
all data provided on the web can be collected and processed only in the
presence of an explicit consent
. But, despite Article 9 of the GDPR provides for the prohibition of
“processing personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political
opinions, religious or philosophical values, or union membership, as
well as processing genetic data, biometric data to uniquely identify a
an exception is foreseen for Facebook and all the other giants of the
web that will be able to process this sensitive data only if “the
interested party has given his explicit consent”.
So in the case of Facebook, when opening the account,
accepting the terms of agreement is due by default.
The right to be forgotten in the GDPR
The right to be forgotten, instead, allows you to request
that your data be deleted if they are obsolete or there are no longer
reasons for their usage. From the time of implementation in May 2014, the
previous privacy policy known as Cookie Policy, the links removed by Google
to fulfill the right to be forgotten by those involved were already more than 220,000. But what about social
media profiles? Is your right to be forgotten protected?
Not at all, because
very few know that, when a person requests to delete his account,
Facebook does not delete data but keeps it in its database
. And that’s why if you delete an account and try to register again after a
period of time, you find yourself presented with the old account with the
ability to reactivate it.
It must be said that, to be able to permanently delete any content placed
on the social net and shared several times, it would mean having to trace
each single piece of content upstream, an impossible task. So at this point
it is clear that the right to privacy is really gone off. This is just one
instance, which shows why the debate on this topic is still very heated.
Pay attention to the apps that can use our data
It happens often that on Facebook you fill out personality
tests or give access to other game apps. Every time we authorize an app to
access our profile, we are giving access to our data. So
to check if there are apps that use our data, you have to go to the
application settings and check all the Apps, deleting those that are not
used or that use data that you do not want to disclose to third parties.
Always in the same section, in the last box, or “Apps used by others”, we
provide information that our friends can “share” with other apps when they
use them: in this case, the advice is to deselect everything.
Attention also to geo-localization.
Perhaps it is best to disable it in the app settings of the cell phone,
deselecting “Your position” for Facebook in its possible settings. Let us
render eyeing difficult to the Big Brother.